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The safety of our players is the highest priority of the Miracle League of PA's Laurel Highlands. The Miracle League of PA's Laurel Highlands (MLPLH) will not tolerate the use of profanity by players or volunteers. The Miracle League also will not tolerate players or volunteers bullying other players or other volunteers. Volunteers displaying this type of behavior will immediately be dismissed for the remainder of the season. Players will be given one verbal warning during their game. If the player's behavior continues, he/she will be asked to leave the field and not return for the remainder of that game. If this type of behavior happens from the same player multiple times during the season, he/she may not be able to return for the remainder of the season and the situation will be discussed by the coach and appropriate MLPLH Staff for future registration eligibility. Any questions or concerns regarding this statement should be directed to the Board of Directors for The Miracle League of PA's Laurel Highlands Champions.
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